Since 200714 years supporting and giving hope to over 10 000 learners.From helping one street child to helping an average …
Education at its best!!
Education is not just about learning textbook lessons or moving to the next grade. It is needed for the all …
We love what we do
Thank you Pep Stores
Thank you Pep Stores for your generous donation. Our learners now have stationery and will be warm.
Have Opened New Toy Stall
We have opened a new toy shop at the Bay Harbour Market. Please come and support us. We are selling …
Reading is essential to be successful
Covid has left devastating effects on our education system and learners. The sad reality is most learners are behind their …
Education is Life
Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself
Urgent Attention
The Covid19 pandemic has not just affected the health or economy of our country… It has affected the future of …